Our DoseFactory is always ready to welcome you and your ideas. Coffee?
Greatness is proportionate to the Creativity it contains.
Basically, a headquarters that is our second home.
From the entrance to the different coworking, every day we walk through ourmade creativity Wall. Step by step, each cm of the Wall is a recharge of energy for Doserz' eyes.
The space where we spend most of our time: our production line.
We create a mash-up by blending technology and creativity in the space dedicated to our Design and Product teams: it's our Tech quarter.
We get into Brainstorming with a bunch of ideas, we get out of there with a really cool project.
The space where we receive our customers and the most brilliant collaborations ever are born.
A projector, an interactive whiteboard, lockers and looots of space: everything we need to write the plot of our future projects is found in Cinema.
Our dreams come true inside the Studio: it is our film set full of talent.
Error 505: invoices, quotes, budgets, purchases, contracts, payments, recruiting... You ended up in Operation: the room that coordinates the Doserz and handles all that stuff.
POV: you're thinking your CEO is in Milan, but he’s actually planning the next move, locked up in Board: it's his Chamber of Secrets.
For a coffee or lunch break, in our kitchen we recharge batteries and creativity.
We have to admit it: since the weather in Sicily is sunny 365 days a year, we sometimes carry out projects outside.
At 1:00 pm, each Doserz knows they will have to run faster than their colleagues to ensure the most comfortable pouf in the Agorà: so that's how our lunch break starts!
Every time the Ledwall lights up, some spectacular news is coming. What a thrill!
The AI for Creator Economy